Modern Media Guidelines:
“Doth not he see my ways, and count all my steps?” Job 31:4
Technology isn’t inherently evil; it’s more about how we choose to use it. We need to teach our adults & children how to safely use technology. With technology, we are required to give Biblical guidelines and safe boundaries that create long-term values.
- Filter & Accountability
- Utilize parental controls/restrictions on each device.
- Consider adding a filter on the internet signal coming into your house (router).
- Simple & frequent checks on you & your families’ devices could keep us from inappropriate interactions.
- Be a good role model
- What are we as parents doing with our devices?
- It’s important that we follow the same rules & expectations as we place on our children.
- They see the time spent and how we are using our time with technology.
- Time limits
- Define acceptable times/amounts of use.
- Define non-acceptable times. Examples: school, bedtime, dinner table
- Define time spent playing games.
- Adjust times with age & maturity as they build your trust.
- Don’t let your device control you.
- Never use technology in a hurtful way
- Never say anything online that you wouldn’t say face-to-face.
- Never forward or post a photo/text that you wouldn’t want public.
- Remember everything placed online can become public.
- Set clear expectations
- Be upfront & clear.
- If your child has a good understanding of the expectations of using the device, it will be easier to enforce the boundaries.
- Could consider having your child sign a written contract before given a device.
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6