Is your home internet safe?
Answer the 10 questions below to identify areas of potential digital risk in your home.
1. Do you perform periodic checks on your child’s digital devices, including the search and texting history, checking passwords and apps downloaded?
2. Do you know the usernames and passwords for your child’s devices and apps?
3. Do you have a bedtime turn-in time for all electronics?
4. Do you have a filter and web page monitor on your home’s wireless router?
5. Do you use a filtered browser on all of your portable Internet-ready devices?
6. Have you asked parents of your child’s friends what their own Internet-usage expectations are?
7. Do you know what you would say if your child told you he/she has been looking at porn online?
8. Do you know what apps are on your child(ren)’s phone(s) and how they are used?
9. Do you have rules around Internet usage in bedrooms?
10. Have you had consistent direct conversations about appropriate Internet usage, sexuality, and the negative impacts of porn on the brain and relationships?
If you answered “no” to any of these questions, then your home might be exposed to increased and unnecessary Internet risk. The links below can help you find solutions.
photo credit: doingfamilyright.com