A Pilgrim in Media Land
by Steef De Bruijn and Henrieke Hoogendijk-van Dam

- Introduction 20:17
- Chapter 1: Seize the Day - About Temperance 34:19
- Chapter 2: A Shield and a Helmet - About Resilience 41:29
- Chapter 3: Appealing and Alluring - About Self-Control 41:01
- Chapter 4: Open and Honest - About Consistency 37:11
- Chapter 5: Peace of Mind - About Reflection 33:32
- Chapter 6: A Sustained Effort - About Focus 27:57
- Chapter 7: Selfies and Selfish - About Service 34:35
- Chapter 8: Young Love and Sexting - About Faithfulness 38:56
- Conclusion 15:43
“Are you on your cell phone again?” This reproachful question is asked frequently nowadays. To actually start a meaningful conversation about wisely using modern media is more challenging. How do we stay in touch with young people who seem to be online all the time? How can you be a role model as an educator or parent? What are good questions to ask when having such a conversation? And, how can the Bible guide us in the use of modern media?
Using everyday scenarios, the authors write about teaching our children the responsible use of modern media from a biblical perspective. To this end, they have developed the Media Circle. This book provides many useful tools for all those who deal with young people and want to encourage them to use modern media in a wise way. At the end of each chapter, there are a number of discussion questions, which makes the book a good resource for parent study groups.
The authors are educational researchers who have developed the Media Circle which is laid out in this book. They give frequent seminars about the use of modern media.