Teen Social Media and Mental Health

Teen Social Media and Mental Health

Devices, Guidelines, Hazards, Resources
We all want to feel loved. We all want to be seen and heard for who we are.   When we are beside our spouse, with our parents, amongst our family, friends, classmates and co-workers, we want to be acknowledged as a worthy person. As young people, the human brain is developing and learning to be able to live in an adult world. The need to feel loved and accepted is especially strong in teenagers. Many teens have turned to social media in an attempt to feel known, connected, and loved. This is evident by the number of teenagers using social media.  Universally, up to 95% of teenagers ages 13-17 use social media and as many as one-third say they are addicted! Social media provides a false feeling of love and…
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Public Library Pitfalls

Public Library Pitfalls

Hazards, Resources, Reviews
Modern Media Articles | First NRC Modern Media Committee *Please note, that although we have found valuable information from an external web page for our blog post, we do not endorse all information, religious views and opinions posted on these third-party websites.
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Social Media and Its Influence

Social Media and Its Influence

https://heisfaithful.github.io/culture/2021/09/21/socialmedia.html *Please note, that although we have found valuable information from an external web page for our blog post, we do not endorse all information, religious views and opinions posted on these third-party websites.
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The Evolution of Gaming

The Evolution of Gaming

Gaming, Guidelines, Hazards
It all started out as kids playing with stones → board/card games → then to video/computer games → consoles/mobile games. Some of the benefits of gaming are: strengthens relationships, reduces stress, encourages laughterincreases brain function and sharpens our mindsteaches patience and how to set goalsenhances creativity and self confidence One of the most amazing benefits of playing board games is that it pulls people out of the digital world. Board games engage us in activities that do not involve staring at a screen.  What does “gaming” mean today?   It refers to playing electronic games on a screen as regular gameplay or possibly a hobby.  A person who is into gaming is often called a gamer.  65% of American adults play video games with 60% playing at least once a day. …
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Sensual Addictions

Sensual Addictions

Events, Hazards, Pornography, Resources
On Parent's Day, Rev. Witvoet spoke about Sensual Addictions:  Smoother than Oil, Bitter as Wormwood.  This is an informative topic for older children and adults to help us understand how addiction works and the dangers of pornography.  You can listen to the topic here.  If you are looking for help regarding addiction, resources can be found here.
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Reeling in Reels

Reeling in Reels

Apps, Filters, Hazards
Has the app TikTok appeared on your kids’ phone? Have you heard of TikTok on the news? Did you happen to read our previous article on TikTok? (click to read) Are you aware of the controversy over the app and it’s creators? Even if you were aware of all this, the piece of information you may not have connected yet is that Instagram’s feature ‘REELS’ is a spin-off of the popular video platform. When TikTok was going through its legal battles, Instagram saw it as an opportunity to create another feature to give its users something ‘to do’ on their app, which in turn promotes Instagram’s virtual popularity.  The following article from The Verge provides more information. https://www.theverge.com/2020/8/5/21354117/instagram-reels-tiktok-vine-short-videos-stories-explore-music-effects-filters  Not all Reels are created equal, and that is the problem. Many…
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2020 Digital Device Gift Guide

2020 Digital Device Gift Guide

Cell Phones, Filters, Guidelines, Hazards, Privacy, Resources
Hello, Parents! Once again, the Protect Young Eyes team wants to prepare you and your children by providing parental control guidance for whatever digital devices your family may have. In the year of COVID, digital devices are everywhere and we suspect that many new ones will be joining the family in December. Remember, if it’s connected to the internet, then there’s a story of how someone somewhere has hacked into it or out of it. Especially during 2020 with more kids connected to screens than ever before. Check it out at https://protectyoungeyes.com/digital-device-gift-guide-2020-smartphones-gaming-gadgets/?mc_cid=dd022bd5da&mc_eid=09748b43c6 *Please note, that although we have found valuable information from an external web page for our blog post, we do not endorse all information, religious views and opinions posted on these third-party websites.
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