Mad at Meta?

Mad at Meta?

Resources, Reviews, Tutorials
“Dear Meta AI, I do not want to ask you anything, so if you could just give me back my search bar, that’d be great. Ok, thanks, bye!!” Have you seen that post circulating on Facebook lately? Many users were caught off guard by the new feature Meta released and are using their First Amendment rights to voice their opinions on their page. Rants and frustration aside, what can you do about it, and how could it be helpful to you? What can you do about it? Essentially, nothing. MetaAI is here to stay. You may Mute the conversation inside the Messenger app: ‘Until I change it’ is an option here. The magnifying glass shows up once this is selected, though the MetaAI search still shows up after being selected.…
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Teen Social Media and Mental Health

Teen Social Media and Mental Health

Devices, Guidelines, Hazards, Resources
We all want to feel loved. We all want to be seen and heard for who we are.   When we are beside our spouse, with our parents, amongst our family, friends, classmates and co-workers, we want to be acknowledged as a worthy person. As young people, the human brain is developing and learning to be able to live in an adult world. The need to feel loved and accepted is especially strong in teenagers. Many teens have turned to social media in an attempt to feel known, connected, and loved. This is evident by the number of teenagers using social media.  Universally, up to 95% of teenagers ages 13-17 use social media and as many as one-third say they are addicted! Social media provides a false feeling of love and…
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Media and the Mind: Pediatricians guide to screen time.

Media and the Mind: Pediatricians guide to screen time.

Devices, Guidelines, Hazards, Resources, Reviews
Like the snowflakes that fall from the sky, no two people are exactly alike. Psalm 139 tells us of God’s craftsmanship and knowledge of each individual He created. The psalmist praises,”I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Each person's needs vary from one another. And our children are no exception. In fact, a child's brain needs guidance and instruction from caring adults at all ages. Screen time and media usage is an area of attentiveness adults must be aware of when raising children.  In an article covering this major topic, Mayo Clinic guides parents and caretakers on digital literacy, problems, developing rules, and teaching good behaviors with screens. In a general Q & A article, the American Academy of Pediatricians reiterates the previously mentioned topics. They have also included a…
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Saturn Time Together App

Saturn Time Together App

Apps, Guidelines, Hazards, Privacy
Saturn is a scheduling app which targets high school students as their users and markets itself as a way to “control the chaos and live in the now.” After creating an account, students select their school and can take a picture of their schedule or manually enter their schedule into the app to get a personalized calendar. The app helps students to feel connected by sharing their schedules with each other and being able to make comments on the school bulletin board. Saturn also has a feature that allows students to privately message each other. When Saturn originally launched, there were limited safety features. Recently, more safety features have been added, such as needing a verified school email address to privately message other students and access other features of the…
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 Human Connections / Relationships vs. Tech Connections

 Human Connections / Relationships vs. Tech Connections

The human body is remarkable in how all of its systems are intertwined into the composition of each individual. Some people are more outgoing and bubbly while others are content with being more solitary. Despite these differences in character, all humans need some interaction with others. This became very clear with Covid. The main theme during Covid  was to isolate yourselves to prevent the spread. A side effect of that was an increase in depression, suicide, alcoholism etc. This was largely due to the feeling of being isolated. We all need someone to connect with to fulfill our lives. Today, human connection is being lost due to the invention of technology, which more and more isolates us from actually talking face to face with another person. Technology is always changing…
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The Great Smartphone Debate

The Great Smartphone Debate

Cell Phones
When is it a good time to let your child have a smartphone? When do you know if your child is ready? What are good rules to enforce? Is it a want or a need? Please note, that although we have found valuable information from an external web page for our blog post, we do not endorse all information, religious views and opinions posted on these third-party websites.
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Locket & LiveIn Apps

Locket & LiveIn Apps

Apps, Editorials, Reviews
Back in the day, a locket was a necklace given as a sentimental or romantic gift that one would cherish for years. It held a photo of a loved one that could be opened and remembered as often as desired.  Today, there is a new “locket”– an app downloaded to your device.  This Locket app is also a way to express sentiment. The Locket app is a photo sharing app, in which one can send photos somewhat similar to sharing a photo on Snapchat or WhatsApp. However the differences are as follows:  - The photos automatically appear on the other person’s home phone screen as a widget–you do not open an app to see the picture. It’s a bit like a private social media platform right there on your home…
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Bark App Review 

Bark App Review 

Apps, Cell Phones, Devices, Filters, Hazards
Get details about your child’s digital activities. Bark is able to monitor content 24/7, limit access to inappropriate and distracting material, set healthy boundaries with custom screen time limits and location updates.  Learn more about this filter by clicking on this link: *Please note, that although we have found valuable information from an external web page for our blog post, we do not endorse all information, religious views and opinions posted on these third-party websites.
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All Sides

All Sides

Resources, Reviews
AllSides is an American company that presents viewers with multiple versions of similar news stories from different perspectives to show readers news outside their filter bubble.  It exposes people to information and ideas from all sides of the political spectrum to increase their understanding of the world and each other.   AllSides portrays the day’s top news stories from the Left, Center and Right of the political spectrum side-by-side so you can view the whole picture.  Each article is reviewed and labeled left, left leaning, center, right leaning or right.   Knowing the political bias of media outlets allows you to consume a balanced news diet and avoid manipulation and fake news.  Media Bias Ratings are provided for over 800 media outlets and writers, so you can easily identify different perspectives. …
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