Human Connections / Relationships vs. Tech Connections

The human body is remarkable in how all of its systems are intertwined into the composition of each individual. Some people are more outgoing and bubbly while others are content with being more solitary. Despite these differences in character, all humans need some interaction with others. This became very clear with Covid. The main theme during Covid  was to isolate yourselves to prevent the spread. A side effect of that was an increase in depression, suicide, alcoholism etc. This was largely due to the feeling of being isolated. We all need someone to connect with to fulfill our lives. Today, human connection is being lost due to the invention of technology, which more and more isolates us from actually talking face to face with another person.

Technology is always changing but the drive for human connection does not. Human connection is being replaced more and more everyday with technology around us. We live in a digital world where we are constantly “liking” posts, looking at an endless barrage of snap chats,  or “speaking our minds’ ‘ to somebody online when we would never say what we are typing to their face.  How many of us or our children are quick to text, but do not feel confident enough to call somebody? How many people work from home and only communicate with coworkers or customers through technology? Anxiety and depression continue to rise right along with our technology usage. Is there a correlation?

The more digital interactions we have, the less human connection we have. Technology has led to a loss of social skills because of the increase in isolation from others. Technology no doubt has its place, but technology lacks emotion and tone, which is present when we are speaking to another person face to face. The stress of disconnection causes loneliness, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and heart disease to name a few.

How can we gain human connection?

  1. Put down your screens – Choose to connect with people in other ways than technology. Teach your children that in person communication is preferred versus texting etc. Give your children your undivided attention. Parents, this means put the phone away. Play outside with your children. Ride a bike with them. Build a fort with them. Go fishing, camping etc. with them without being constantly interrupted by your phone. Fresh air and exercise with friends and family is very helpful for mental health.
  2. Schedule time for connection – get off your screens and call up friends and make personal connections. Go out for coffee, meet up with someone for exercise or whatever it is that you like to do. Just sit and talk with someone instead of wasting time on your phone.
  3. Look people in the eye – Eye contact is a simple and easy way to connect with somebody.
  4. Be a part of an organization or church group – Creating a connection with somebody who has the same interests, morals, or life goals can help your mental health. For some people this can create anxiety, but by getting comfortable meeting others is a good way to bolster your mental health.
  5. Learn a new hobby – – This can get you involved in a group of “new” people and can help you become connected to someone new.
  6. Encourage your children to interact and speak with people outside of their “circle of friends.”

We are social creatures. We need to have others around us we can talk to and interact with. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made and are products of the genetics of our parents but also the type of life we choose to live. Mental health disorders are increasing due to the fast paced world we live in as well as the technology which we all use on a daily basis. May we all realize what is going on around us and make time to just pause and slow the pace down and take time to connect with others. We are only on this earth for a short time, and there isn’t one person who ever took one dollar with them to eternity. Of course we must be diligent, but we do not need to be on our devices every spare moment we have. It’s not good for our mental or physical health and most certainly is a distraction from what really matters . . . being born again.

*Please note, that although we have found valuable information from an external web page for our blog post, we do not endorse all information, religious views and opinions posted on these third-party websites.