Like the snowflakes that fall from the sky, no two people are exactly alike. Psalm 139 tells us of God’s craftsmanship and knowledge of each individual He created. The psalmist praises,”I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Each person’s needs vary from one another. And our children are no exception. In fact, a child’s brain needs guidance and instruction from caring adults at all ages. Screen time and media usage is an area of attentiveness adults must be aware of when raising children.
In an article covering this major topic, Mayo Clinic guides parents and caretakers on digital literacy, problems, developing rules, and teaching good behaviors with screens.
In a general Q & A article, the American Academy of Pediatricians reiterates the previously mentioned topics. They have also included a number of resources, including some from Common Sense Media, to extrapolate on this area of concern: https://www.aap.org/en/patient-care/media-and-children/center-of-excellence-on-social-media-and-youth-mental-health/social-media-and-youth-mental-health-q-and-a-portal/middle-childhood/middle-childhood-questions/screen-time-guidelines/
“Try me, and know my thoughts,” continues the psalmist in chapter 139. Whether good or bad thoughts, the mind is a powerful tool. God knows them all, but media use can influence the way children and teens think. Longitudinal studies are being conducted on various topics related to how technology affects adolescents. Many children have learned songs, colors, numbers, moral lessons, and more, using videos, and in this way they are useful – but not at very young ages or without the presence of an adult interacting with them while watching. Without guidance and a fully developed mind, technology can cause higher tendency in depressive symptoms and obesity rates; however, scientific studies are inconclusive about other concrete harmful effects on tweens and teens. To read the full article on the psychological effects visit https://www.apa.org/monitor/2020/04/cover-kids-screens .
Despite all of the studies being done to discover the psychological effects of screens and technology on children and teens, let’s not forget to use our best resource: “lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:24). Banning screens altogether can backfire, as will having unlimited screen interaction. Parents must use their love for their children to guide them in monitoring and instructing them on what to do, as well as what not to watch or play. Talk with the children in your life about why rules are set up, how technology could be harmful, and how to make wise decisions; emulating these in your own actions as well. Set your children up with the foundational tools to help them make better choices with modern media: be informed, be aware, and make sure they are as well. As always, look to the Lord and His guidance as the optimal resource for raising your unique child.
*Please note, that although we have found valuable information from an external web page for our blog post, we do not endorse all information, religious views and opinions posted on these third-party websites.