Ways to Think through New Media

Ways to Think through New Media

We are living in the Digital Revolution, a time of continuous and often uncomfortable change.  New opportunities arise and with it new dangers lurk, and it can be difficult to keep up with all the new developments.  The internet has changed how we live, shop, learn and find employment.  How should a Christian respond to all these changes?  How are we to navigate and shepherd our children through this?4 Biblical Principles to help guide us in the digital age:Technology is created by God, He created all of the power, minds and elements to make this all possible.Technology is not sinful in and of itself.Technology has many appropriate uses.  We can use it for communication, finances, shopping, education, Christian resources, sermons, etc…Technology has been perverted and abused by sinners.  Wasting time, pornography, gambling, …
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How Much is TOO MUCH Sharing?

How Much is TOO MUCH Sharing?

Apps, Guidelines, Hazards
OVERSHARING?Anna updated her status:“Looking for ideas on what to do this weekend while my parents are out of town, input?”Sam shared a picture:“Her curls bounce all over as she’s walking! She is just so cute taking her first steps, we’re so proud!”Anita checked in at ‘Trampoline Park Craze’“This is one 7 year old birthday party my daughter and I will never forget! Let’s JUMP!”Sharing our activities, families, and looking for advice are just a few things that we naturally do as a society these days. It’s our way of connecting with the world and being social with each other. Physically being with our family members and friends isn’t always possible, so it is nice to have the resource of technology to share these updates and receive quick feedback.Until the sharing…
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Phishing – Don’t take the Bait!

Phishing – Don’t take the Bait!

Guidelines, Hazards, Tutorials
What is phishing? Phishing is a cyber attack that uses disguised email as a weapon. The goal is to trick the email recipient into believing that the message is something they want or need — a request from their bank, for instance, or a note from someone in their company — and to click a link or download an attachment. Learn about the purpose behind phishing attempts and how to identify them to avoid getting scammed. Purpose of phishing If there's a common denominator among phishing attacks, it's the disguise. The attackers spoof their email address so it looks like it's coming from someone else, set up fake websites that look like ones the victim trusts, and use foreign character sets to disguise URLs. Phishing attempts may be aimed at…
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HBD or Happy Birthday?

HBD or Happy Birthday?

HBD or Happy Birthday? Which of the above greeting would you prefer on your birthday? Netiquette or a texting abbreviations?  Netiquette is simply using proper etiquette while using digital devices.   Most of us are familiar with some texting abbreviations/acronyms.    There is a social norm we should follow with digital interaction to maintain proper work correspondence & ethics, as well as personal relationships.  There are some guidelines to keep in mind or it may be soon be a thing of the past, as much as addressing letters to “Dear Sir” or “Dear Mrs. Smith”.   Be respectful. Everyone has different feelings and opinions and it is important to respect this online. You may wish to comment on something someone has shared but always remember that behind every account is a real…
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Social Media Safety

Social Media Safety

Most teens use some form of social media and have a profile on a social networking site. Many visit these sites every day.There are plenty of good things about social media — but also many risks and things kids and teens should avoid. They don't always make good choices when they post something to a site, and this can lead to problems.So it's important to talk with your kids about how to use social media wisely.  kidshealth.org/en/parents/social-media-smarts.html
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Android vs. Apple

Android vs. Apple

Guidelines, Reviews
This article is meant to give a recommendation for choosing a device that allows the safest environment for children.  It is meant to compare an Apple iOS device with a Google Android device. Through the research process I have developed the opinion that the Google Android may offer more control of features and points of concern to a parent.  The downside will be that it requires some technical ability and determination. If you want to allow more popular apps and websites while being able to control more features inside of them, Google Android may be the safest decision.   Apple devices may allow for an easier setup / configuration and afford as safe of an environment without the granular control.  With Apple you will want to spend some time to understand…
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Guidelines, Hazards
A recent survey found that at least one in four teens receive sexually explicit texts and emails. At least one in seven teens send "sexts." Why do they do it? To show off, to entice someone, to show interest in someone, or to prove commitment. Or even as a joke. Teens' developing interest in sex, an impulse to experiment, and apps that make sexting easy -- and acceptable -- create an environment that some teens find irresistible. The attached article and video highlights these common causes of sexting and gives parents some advice on how to handle this potential problem with your children.  At a minimum, the Modern Media committee recommends the following: Communicate with your children, early and often, about the sin and dangers of sexting Don’t allow apps…
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The Negative Effects of Technology on Childhood Behavior

The Negative Effects of Technology on Childhood Behavior

Guidelines, Hazards
The Negative Effects of Technology on Childhood Behavior Almost every child in America right now has grown up in a world doused with technology. We’ve all heard the common concerns about how this affects a child’s upbringing—eyesight, attention span, emotional safety, personal boundaries, etc.—but fewer people recognize the effect technology has on behavior.Not only does it affect the behavior of children, but it also affects the behavior of adults, which, in turn, changes the parenting and teaching that children experience.  Read the Article
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Five Most Dangerous Places for Kids to be Online

Five Most Dangerous Places for Kids to be Online

Guidelines, Hazards
Where Kids Use Tech Dictates How They Use Tech It’s impossible for parents to control all of the doorways that exist for a child to access the web. Creating an internet safety strategy for home is one thing, but how many other ways exist for your child to watch YouTube without you knowing? Although parents can’t control all of the environments where their kids spend time, there are a few high-risk environments that warrant more attention. Read the Article
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Smartphones for Smartfamilies

Smartphones for Smartfamilies

Cell Phones, Guidelines
In the same way that you don’t hand your kids the keys to a car without any training and simply say “Good luck,” you shouldn’t hand them a smartphone and say, “What could go wrong?” Their lives, your life, and others’ lives hang in the balance physically, legally, and spiritually. In short, we advise against giving your children a phone if you are not ready to have a conversation with them about it multiple times a week for multiple years. Your family is on a journey together of enjoying, leveraging, and self-regulating your phones. And there is a destination! It is when your son or daughter has demonstrated integrity and has learned how to self-regulate his or her phone (that is, your kids no longer have limits imposed by you;…
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