Online TV

Online TV

Editorials, Hazards
Do we have TV in our homes?We probably do, or we are closer than we know.  We don't have the box our forefathers banned, but we do have the content readily available at our finger tips with TV online.   Link to article
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Digital Addiction

Digital Addiction

“Son won't turn off his video game? Daughter obsessed with ‘likes’ on Instagram? It may not be entirely their fault. Like the high-octane sugar in a pint of Ben & Jerry's and that irresistible chemical spice in Flamin' Hot Cheetos, the ingredients in social media, video games, apps, and other digital products are carefully engineered to keep you coming back for more.” Common Sense Media has recently published an article describing the science behind digital addiction.  Please read and ponder how this may be affecting you and your family members…  The article includes some helpful tips to manage the “tricks” that are built into these digital products.  (Note - there are references to specific social media examples that we do not endorse) Link to Article *Please note, that although we have…
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