

Telegram is a free messaging app that was launched in 2013 by brothers Pavel and Nikolai Durov, who previously founded VKontakte. VKontakte is best described as the Russian version of Facebook. Currently, the company behind Telegram is based in Dubai. Telegram currently claims to have 500 million active users each month. According to SEO blog Backlinko, "25 million new users joined Telegram during a 72-hour peak in January 2021. That equates to about 8.33 million new registrations per day. And over 100 million new users started using Telegram in January alone.”  The rush to Telegram was prompted by GAFAM’s (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft) attempted censorship of popular conservative voices such as Donald Trump. Telegram functions like a classic instant messaging app. You can send messages to other users, create…
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Apps, Cell Phones
Robinhood is an app designed for the average person to invest money in stocks, funds, options, and cryptocurrency. They attract users by giving them one free stock when they join and by allowing them to trade commission-free. The app requires users to be at least 18 years old, however, kids younger than 18 could set up an account if they know certain information about their parents, such as their social security number and ID number. It is a choice to invest in the stock market, either personally or through an advisor or broker; however, by doing it personally, it can become addicting and consume a lot of family time. Buying and selling stocks is simple on Robinhood. You can buy stocks for any publicly traded company, such as Apple and…
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The Evolution of Gaming

The Evolution of Gaming

Gaming, Guidelines, Hazards
It all started out as kids playing with stones → board/card games → then to video/computer games → consoles/mobile games. Some of the benefits of gaming are: strengthens relationships, reduces stress, encourages laughterincreases brain function and sharpens our mindsteaches patience and how to set goalsenhances creativity and self confidence One of the most amazing benefits of playing board games is that it pulls people out of the digital world. Board games engage us in activities that do not involve staring at a screen.  What does “gaming” mean today?   It refers to playing electronic games on a screen as regular gameplay or possibly a hobby.  A person who is into gaming is often called a gamer.  65% of American adults play video games with 60% playing at least once a day. …
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