2020 Digital Device Gift Guide

2020 Digital Device Gift Guide

Cell Phones, Filters, Guidelines, Hazards, Privacy, Resources
Hello, Parents! Once again, the Protect Young Eyes team wants to prepare you and your children by providing parental control guidance for whatever digital devices your family may have. In the year of COVID, digital devices are everywhere and we suspect that many new ones will be joining the family in December. Remember, if it’s connected to the internet, then there’s a story of how someone somewhere has hacked into it or out of it. Especially during 2020 with more kids connected to screens than ever before. Check it out at https://protectyoungeyes.com/digital-device-gift-guide-2020-smartphones-gaming-gadgets/?mc_cid=dd022bd5da&mc_eid=09748b43c6 *Please note, that although we have found valuable information from an external web page for our blog post, we do not endorse all information, religious views and opinions posted on these third-party websites.
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Modern Media Book Recommendations

Modern Media Book Recommendations

Guidelines, Hazards, Pornography, Resources
To read to your children: Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today's Young KidsGood Pictures Bad Pictures is a comfortable, read-aloud story about a mom and dad who teach their child what pornography is, why it's dangerous, and how to reject it. Using easy-to-understand science and simple analogies, this ground-breaking book engages young kids to porn-proof their own brains.The 5-point CAN DO Plan teaches kids how to avoid the brain-warping images of pornography and minimize the troubling memories of accidental exposure that often tempt kids to look for more and lead them into a dark and destructive addiction. To stay safe in the digital age, kids must install an internal filter in their own brain. Good Pictures Bad Pictures shows them how.https://www.amazon.com/Good-Pictures-Bad-Porn-Proofing-Todays-dp-0997318732/dp/0997318732/ref=dp_ob_title_bkThe above book is age-appropriate for ages 6-8 and older. …
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Gabb Phone

Gabb Phone

Cell Phones, Guidelines
What is Gabb wireless? Another new device? Yes, it is a device, but considered a “safe” 1st cell phone.  Gabb wireless is a company that features a modern looking cell phone for children--or adults--without all the bells and whistles and cost.  If you are looking for a device to communicate without having the hassle of a smartphone and the potential dangerous features, this may be an option to consider.Gabb wireless was created for children to have a modern looking cell phone WITHOUT access to the internet, social media, or an app store.  As shown in prior articles, the internet & social media can be an unhealthy platform for teens.  Gabb phones feature only 14 essential apps on the phone: music, phone, messaging, contacts, camera, video, gallery, calendar, calculator, clock, voice recorder,…
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Ways to Think through New Media

Ways to Think through New Media

We are living in the Digital Revolution, a time of continuous and often uncomfortable change.  New opportunities arise and with it new dangers lurk, and it can be difficult to keep up with all the new developments.  The internet has changed how we live, shop, learn and find employment.  How should a Christian respond to all these changes?  How are we to navigate and shepherd our children through this?4 Biblical Principles to help guide us in the digital age:Technology is created by God, He created all of the power, minds and elements to make this all possible.Technology is not sinful in and of itself.Technology has many appropriate uses.  We can use it for communication, finances, shopping, education, Christian resources, sermons, etc…Technology has been perverted and abused by sinners.  Wasting time, pornography, gambling, …
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What is Zoom?

What is Zoom?

Apps, Reviews, Tutorials
What is Zoom? Zoom is a platform that offers remote conferencing by combining video conferencing, online meetings, chat, mobile collaboration.  It can be utilized by anyone and is free for meetings that have less than 100 participants and have duration of 40 minutes or less. You will have to set up an account.  A guide for doing this is located here:  https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360034967471-Quick-start-guide-for-new-users#h_b0c98dfa-d90f-486d-9617-71ab7b41a273 A guide for hosting a meeting for family and friends is located here:  https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362613-How-Do-I-Host-A-Video-Meeting- If you have been sent a meeting invite, a guide for joining the meeting can be located here:  https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-Meeting As always there are some safety tips to keep in mind when utilizing Zoom.  USA Today did an excellent job of summarizing some safety tips. Here is the link:  https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2020/04/02/how-to-keep-zoombombing-hackers-away-zoom-safety-tips/5113080002/.  Please review it before using zoom.Additionally, always remember to be…
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